Shindig! Broadcast #130
JON ‘MOJO’ MILLS tails it into a hot and muggy central London for yet another fantastic Soho Radio show. The studio had A/C, what a relief. Lots of premieres and newbies this time too
Track list
Alan Hawkshaw ‘USA Groove’
Dorothy Ashby ‘Soul Vibrations’
Goat ‘Ouroboros’
Rok Hotel ‘Disko’
Jan & Dean ‘Like A Summer Rain’
Spanky & Our Gang ‘Without Rhyme Or Reason’
Harpers Bizarre ‘Witchi Tai To’
Bobbie Gentry ‘Peaceful’
The Association ‘It’s Gotta Be Real’
Triste Janero ‘In The Garden’
Chris Brain ‘Steady Away’
Andrew Tuttle / Michael Chapman ‘Untitled 1’
Henry Parker ‘Meanwood Valley Tanneries’
Smith & The Honey Badgers ‘Better Times’
The Eggmen Whoooooo! ‘Eggman Versus Hellboy’
Alfie Firmin ‘Dream Come True’
The Junipers ‘She Looked Up At The Stars’
Emma Anderson ‘Taste The Air’
Juniore ‘Méditeranée’
Memorials ‘Acceptable Experience’
The Galaxy Electric & Drew Mulholland ‘Mystery Song’
Babe Ruth ‘Ain’t That Living’
Bobbie Dazzle ‘Merry-Go-Round’
Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell ‘The Third Degree’
The Nuthins ‘Changing Each Day’
The Nuthins ‘The Harder I Try’
Things To Come ‘Come Alive’
The Fallen Angels ‘Something New You Can Hide In’
The Wildweeds ‘I’m Dreaming’
Orphan Egg ‘Falling’
Five By Five ‘Fire’
The Emperors ‘I Want My Woman’
Don Fardon ‘Don’t Do That’
Sandro Brugolini ‘Cellulin’
Chuck & Mary Perrin ‘Life Is A Stream’
Joe & Bing ‘Summer Sound’